Happy to Volunteer for Group Leader.

Happy to Volunteer for Group Leader.

Ryan Hazen - මගින්
Number of replies: 1

As the first and only poster so far, I'd be happy to lead this group if the larger group thinks I'm qualified. Thanks for your consideration!

In reply to Ryan Hazen

Re: Happy to Volunteer for Group Leader.

Martin Dougiamas - මගින්
Ryan, you're a legend, man, thanks! smile   That's the kind of alertness we want to see around here!

Your self-nomination as "leader" is hereby formally and gratefully lodged!

Let's give it, say, a week, so we collect a diverse range of applicants and then whittle them down collaboratively to find a final facilitator of this working group.

Seriously, everyone, please apply!

Tell your friends that Open EdTech is looking for someone to chair a global working group - pass it on, send them here!

You have a week so basically do it now!   සිනහව