OER ved Dan McGuire - mandag den 31. juli 2023, 04:50 Antal besvarelser: 1 Is there a space on this site for discussion of OER? Permalink Besvar I svar til Dan McGuire Re: OER ved Martin Dougiamas - tirsdag den 1. august 2023, 06:45 HI Dan ... This site is more or less defunct for now, while we work out the most efficient way to work together at OET ... Permalink Vis foregående indlæg Besvar
I svar til Dan McGuire Re: OER ved Martin Dougiamas - tirsdag den 1. august 2023, 06:45 HI Dan ... This site is more or less defunct for now, while we work out the most efficient way to work together at OET ... Permalink Vis foregående indlæg Besvar