
  • Discussions

    Please use the most appropriate forum below

    • Forum-ikonet

      For discussing anything else not covered in the above forums

    • Forum-ikonet

      A working group to discuss and plan funding of Open Edtech initiatives, especially focusing on public sources.

    • Forum-ikonet
      Working group to share and discuss initiatives around Technology for managing recognition of learning: eg Open Badges and much more.
    • Forum-ikonet
      Working group to discuss and evaluate existing standards, and contribute to new ones
    • Forum-ikonet
      Working group to discuss ways of building 100% secure and risk-free storage and compute on a global scale, for use by all other Open Edtech and Open Education initiatives.
    • Forum-ikonet
      Working group to discuss a system to ensure research ideas are connected to the right students and supervisors globally, with high quality results.
    • Forum-ikonet
      Working group for promoting more use of Open EdTech and related ideas, working on messaging, processes, kits, data and anything else that is needed to incentivize positive change to help avoid monopolies, vendor lock in, additional political, social and economic reasons
    • Forum-ikonet
      Working group to consider how we can promote access, inclusion, diversity, SDGs and justice through Open education technology.

      Working group leader:  WANTED!    Please post here to volunteer.